Julie is the Chairperson for the Church Council. She coordinates with all the other members and makes sure that the meetings run smoothly.
Delores, our financial secretary, receives, records, and deposits all funds received by the congregation in a timely, thorough, and confidential manner. She works with the treasurer and committee on finance to develop policies and procedures so that funds can be made available to support the ministry of the congregation.
Peggy oversees hospitality and evangelism, which includes greeting people, helping visitors find their way, and ensuring everyone feels welcome. She leads teams for the Sunday morning welcome station, coffee team, greeters, and ushers. They also assist with recruiting, training, and planning.
Charlie functions as the primary representative and role model of Christian discipleship and faith lived out in the church and in daily life. She works with the pastor to fulfill the mission and vision of the congregation.
Judi is responsible for maintaining an accurate record of memorial contributions to the church. She also assures the use of contributions in accordance with the desires of the contributors or the family of the deceased.
Connie guides the congregation to spread the gospel message of God’s love through witness and service in the community and the world. She helps plan for mission service opportunities for all ages and all stages of faith so that people live as Christian disciples transforming the world.
Dale builds a strong positive relationship between staff and congregation so that the congregation makes disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Dale will work with the pastor and other staff to fulfill legal and ethical responsibilities related to staff.
Judy and Delores help the congregation understand the meaning of Christian stewardship and the need to practice it in all aspects of their lives. They lead the congregation to fulfill the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world through an understanding that people are stewards at all ages and in all stages of faith.
Linda disburses all funds received into the church treasury in a responsible and organized manner, with funds identified and bills paid when due, so that the ministry of the congregation can be effective.
Ken and Keith function as Christian stewards of property God has entrusted to the congregation. This includes supervising and maintaining both the physical property of the congregation and gifts made to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective and all legal requirements related to the property are satisfied.
MaryEtta works with the pastor and others so that the congregation will provide opportunities for worship celebrations that focus on God and help people of all ages grow in their understanding of the gospel and become better equipped for daily living as faithful disciples.
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